Assalamualaikum =)
What is ICAS?
Okay, maybe there's some people out there didn't know or even never heard about this, right?
(yang dah tahu tue, duk diam2 dan buat2 je tak tahu, aite? kekeke.. :p )
So, lemme explain ( briefly maybe o_O ) about this thingy..
First and foremost, you should know that I-CAS is an exam..
Yupp, you didn't misread it..
it is an EXAM..
I-CAS stands for International Competitions and Assesment School..
It is conducted by University New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia..
Actually aku baru tahu pasal I-CAS nie bila ada sorang teacher suruh budak2 yang dapat A dalam english test dalam exam lepas berkumpul..
Then she started explaining about this I-CAS.
Fyi, you need to pay the fee to take this exam..
(the fee may vary depends on your selected subject)
Tapi bagi aku berbaloi lah jugak..
Bukan saja dapat sijil peringkat antarabangsa,
*insert a round of applause here*
bahkan, dapat tahu tahap korang dalam menjawab soklan tersebut.. sebab setiap seorang candidate akan dapat report mengenai analisis prestasi masing2 selepas 2-3 bulan korang jawab exam.
*insert "wowww" here*
Mai nak habaq kat hangpa semua..
Korang ingat senang ke nak jawab semua soklan tue?!
Haiishh berpinar mata aku tengok soklan2 yang berlambak dan perlu dijawab dalam masa terhad semasa English exam..
And guess what, I think all the questions actually are specially made for the literature students..
Like seriously?!
I'm a SCIENCE student and I had to answer such questions??
Part yang paling aku tak suka(at least for me) ialah kewujudan petikan yang panjang2..
Aku tak suka petikan..BETUL2 tak suka :(
PKBS (ujian bulanan sekolah) pon tak macam nie uolls..
Biasalah international punya standard kan
Frankly, I-CAS is quite not bad lah..
It might be a bit hard..
Tapi kalu difikirkan balik, bukan namanya EXAM kalau tak susah kan...
Susah2 dulu , senang2 kemudian * tetiba
So, jangan sebab aku cakap it is quite tough, korang dah surrender awal2..
Yalah, aku cuma cakap agak susah SIKIT je tapi aku tak pernah cakap aku menyesal ambik
exam ni kan? Kan?
For me, it is worth it lah..
(for sure it depends on your preparation)
So, apa result yang kau dapat?
Oklah aku akan bagitau korang..
Tapi janji jangan bagitau orang lain ek..
*whisper* aku ambik I-CAS English dengan I-CAS Writing..aku dapat CREDIT dalam English tapi dapat PARTICIPATION je dalam Writing..huhu *whisper*
Awards and Recognition
In addition to a Student Report, each student that participates receives a Certificate which is awarded on the following basis:
The percentages allocated to awards are approximate and will vary according to the
High Distinction Certificate | the top 1% of participants |
Distinction Certificate | the next 10% of participants |
Credit Certificate | the next 25% of participants |
Participation Certificate | for all remaining participants |
Achievement Certificate | Teachers may wish to award this certificate to students who have made progress that may not have been recognised otherwise. Achievement Certificates can be downloaded from an individual school's secure online reporting website. The awarding of Achievement Certificates is entirely at the discretion of schools. |
number of students taking each test and the distribution of their scores.
dicilok dari Incik Wiki
Last but not least, seriously, aku sarankan korang ambik exam I-CAS ini..
Firstly, of course because of the INTERNATIONAL certificate..
Yalah, korang mesti tau kan yang tahap sijil yang tertinggi ialah sijil peringkat antarabangsa..
Tapi sayangnya, just a few students je yang ada sijil international..
Secondly, inilah golden opportunity kepada students2 yang tak berapa nak aktif sangat dalam kokurikulum untuk dapat sijil macam nie..
Salam, buddyz (*_*)v
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